Terms of Service of Unlock Guardians & Unlock Guardians Lite

1.Regarding the use of "Unlock Guardians"

1-1. This Terms of Service ("Agreement") sets forth the conditions that apply between DEI Systems Corporation ("the Company") and users ("Users") who utilize the application "Unlock Guardians" ("the App") operated by the Company. The App is a personal security service that records and verifies information such as the date and time of unlocking smartphone, tablet, and personal computer ("Devices") screens. By using the App, Users are deemed to have agreed to this Agreement, so please read and agree to the following terms and conditions.

1-2. In addition to this Agreement, Users are required to agree to various other terms and conditions ("Individual Regulations") when using the service. In the event of any discrepancy between this Agreement and the Individual Regulations, the provisions of the Individual Regulations shall take precedence.

1-3. The Company may modify this Agreement and the Individual Regulations ("Agreement, etc.") without prior notice to Users. In the event of any changes to the Agreement, etc., the modified Agreement, etc. shall apply to Users' use of the service after the changes have been made, and Users will be deemed to have agreed to such changes by using the service.

1-4. In addition to this Agreement, please read and agree to the terms of use of any other websites linked from the service.

2.Regarding Notifications.

2-1. The Company may notify Users of necessary matters through online displays or any other methods deemed appropriate by the Company.

2-2. Regarding notifications, the effectiveness shall commence from the moment the App displays the content of the respective notification online.

2-3. As part of the operation, announcements, advertisements, or features of the service, the Company may send emails to Users' registered addresses. Please be aware of this.

3.Principle of Self-Responsibility

3-1. The Company does not provide any warranties, including but not limited to the truthfulness, accuracy, usefulness, suitability for specific purposes, and legality (including the absence of infringement on the rights of others), regarding the information recorded through the use of the User's registered profile or device, such as Unlock Guardians data ("Data"). The Company also does not assume any obligation to manage or monitor the Data.

3-2. Users shall use the service at their own risk and understand that the Company will not be involved in any inquiries, claims, demands, disputes, or conflicts arising from the Data, whether from other Users or third parties. Users shall assume full responsibility for sincerely addressing such matters on their own.

3-3. In the event that the Company, other Users, or third parties suffer damages, costs, or disadvantages related to the Data, Users shall compensate for such damages.

4.Notes on Usage

4-1. Users shall voluntarily register and manage their information (referred to as "Registration Information," including email addresses and passwords) at their own responsibility when using the service.

4-2. Users must adhere to the following guidelines to prevent unauthorized use of their passwords by third parties:

(1) Use a password that is not easily guessed by others.

(2) Do not disclose one's password to others.

(3) When using the service on a computer or mobile phone shared by multiple individuals, always log out and close the web browser after finishing the service.

4-3. If the service is used with a registered password, the Company may consider it as being used by the registered User. The User who completed the registration shall bear all responsibility for the consequences of such use.

4-4. If the Company or third parties suffer damages due to the unauthorized use of a password, Users shall compensate for such damages.

4-5. Users shall manage their Registration Information at their own responsibility. The Company shall not be liable for any disadvantages or damages incurred by Users due to inaccurate or false Registration Information.

4-6. The Company may, as necessary for the operation, view all User content (including all information registered or edited by Users) within the service. If it is determined to be in violation of this Agreement or other regulations, the Company may delete all or part of the User content without prior notice. Additionally, if it is deemed necessary for the protection of the Company's rights, property, services, or the protection of the life, body, or property of third parties, the Company may disclose or provide User content to public institutions such as courts or the police within a reasonable scope.

4-7. Users are responsible for any communication fees incurred during the use of the service.

4-8. The Company may, without any prior notice, delete Registration Information, take necessary measures such as revoking the rights and benefits obtained by Users through such actions, suspend the provision of the service, or terminate the usage agreement if any of the following apply. If the Company or third parties suffer damages as a result, Users shall compensate for such damages.

(1) The Company determines that the User has not paid the usage fee ("Usage Fee") for the service.

(2) The contract for telecommunication services necessary for using the service between the User and the communication service provider is terminated.

(3) The User falls under any of the items in Article 12, Paragraph 1 of this Agreement.

(4) The User violates laws and regulations.

(5) The User violates this Agreement or other regulations.

4-9. The Company shall not be liable for any damages or disadvantages incurred by Users as a result of taking the measures described in Section 4-8.

4-10. Users can use a free trial for "Unlock Guardians." However, the Company reserves the right to determine eligibility for the free trial. If not canceled within 24 hours before the end of the trial period, the User's specified payment method will be automatically charged for the first month's usage fee.

5.Regarding Personal Information.

5-1. Personal information shall be handled appropriately by the Company in accordance with its Privacy Policy.

(1) The Company may obtain the location information (latitude and longitude information) of the user's device during the use of the App, with the user's consent. The location information will be used to improve the accuracy of information provision and enhance the reliability of the service, among other purposes.

5-2. The Company shall not disclose the user's personal information to any third party other than the cooperative companies or subcontractors with whom confidentiality agreements have been concluded, without the user's consent. However, the Company may disclose personal information in the following cases:

(1) When the Company reasonably determines that disclosure is necessary based on applicable laws and regulations.

(2) When it is difficult to obtain the user's consent and disclosure is necessary to protect the life, body, or property of an individual.

(3) When it is difficult to obtain the user's consent and disclosure is necessary for the improvement of public health or the promotion of healthy development of children.

(4) When cooperation is necessary for a national or local government agency or a person entrusted by such agency to perform duties prescribed by laws and regulations, and obtaining the user's consent may hinder the performance of such duties.

(5) When the subject of the service is changed due to a merger or other reasons, and it is determined that the transfer of personal information is necessary for the continuation of the service.

6.Regarding Usage Fees

6-1. The usage fees for this service shall be determined by the Company separately at the time of payment. The Company may change the usage fees for the service if deemed necessary. In such cases, the Company will provide notice through the App or any other method deemed appropriate by the Company, at least 30 days prior to the changes.

6-2. Users shall be responsible for paying the usage fees for the applicable period, even if they are unable to use the service during that period.

6-3. The Company shall not provide refunds for any user errors in the registration process. Additionally, the Company shall have no obligation to refund any usage fees paid by Users for any reason.

6-4. If Users make payment for the usage fees through Google Play, Users agree that Google LLC ("Google") may collect the usage fees on behalf of the Company, either directly or through a third party, based on the "Google Play Terms of Service" and any other terms and conditions set by Google (If Users prefer to make payment by credit card, the usage fees will be charged by the credit card company chosen by the User). For detailed information regarding payment methods, please contact Google.

7.Regarding Non-Approval of User Registration

If the Company determines that any of the following reasons exist, the User registration may not be approved:

7-1. If the registration is from a person who has violated this Agreement or other regulations.

7-2. If the registration information is intended to impersonate the Company or a third party.

7-3. If the registration information contains expressions that are offensive to third parties or contrary to public order and morals.

7-4. In cases other than those mentioned above, if the Company determines that the registration is inappropriate.

8.Regarding Account Cancellation

8-1. If a User wishes to terminate their use of the service and relinquish their User status, they shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the service by submitting a withdrawal request to the Company.

8-2. The Company shall not have any obligation to retain any data, including personal information and User content, or any other information related to the User after their withdrawal.

8-3. In the event of a User's death, the User shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the service, and any rights and obligations held by the User during their lifetime shall be exclusively attributed to the User and shall not be inherited.


9-1. The Company may display advertisements provided by third parties on the App and the management site.

9-2. As part of the operation of the App, announcements, advertisements, or service features, the Company may send emails to the registered email addresses of the members.

10.User Support

10-1. The Company does not provide support for the use of the service via telephone or fax. Questions from Users and their corresponding answers will be conducted solely through email.

10-2. The Company does not provide any support for Users regarding the use of computers, communication devices, communication software, HTML creation, or any other matters related to the service, including support conducted through email.

11.Changes and Termination of the Service.

11-1. The Company may make changes to the service without prior notice to Users, and shall not be held responsible for any damages or disadvantages incurred by Users as a result.

11-2. The Company may terminate the provision of the service by sending an email to the User's registered email address or by posting a notice on the App at least two weeks in advance. The Company shall not be held responsible for any damages or disadvantages incurred by Users as a result of such termination.

12.Prohibited Activities and Restrictions.

Users shall not engage in the following activities when using the service. If a User engages in any of these actions, the Company may take immediate measures, including but not limited to deleting all or part of the App, Unlock Guardians data, or other necessary actions, without prior notice to the User. The Company may also take measures to suspend the User's membership and usage of the service. However, the Company is not obligated to delete Unlock Guardians data that falls under any of the following items:

12-1. Prohibited activities that violate this Agreement:

(1) Acts that violate laws or promote such violations.

(2) Acts that infringe upon the rights of other Users, third parties, or the Company, including but not limited to property rights, reputation, credibility, privacy, copyright, publicity rights, trademark rights, or other rights, or acts that promote such infringements.

(3) Acts that defame or slander other Users or third parties.

(4) Using the service for election campaigns or engaging in acts that violate the Public Offices Election Act.

(5) Transferring or disclosing one's own ID or password to third parties, or creating situations where one's ID or password may be used by third parties.

(6) Impersonating other Users or third parties.

(7) Collecting personal information or information related to Users (including Unlock Guardians data).

(8) Publishing or posting false Unlock Guardians data or information.

(9) Publishing, posting, or promoting the infection or spread of computer viruses, harmful computer programs, codes, files, or similar items.

(10) Engaging in activities that excessively burden the system or servers of the App, such as sending a large amount of data.

(11) Engaging in acts that hinder the operation of the service or that the Company deems may hinder the operation.

(12) Engaging in acts similar to the above items or other acts deemed inappropriate by the Company.

13.Applicable Law and Jurisdiction.

This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with Japanese law, and in the event that litigation is necessary in relation to the service, the Tokyo District Court shall be the exclusive agreed jurisdiction for the first instance.

Enacted on August 27, 2022.

DEI Systems Corporation
2nd Floor, Ikenohata Hiro Heights
2-12-18 Ueno, Taito-ku
Tokyo 110-0005